English 7, 12.02.2020

Simple Past Tense Exercise:  change the verbs in brackets to the simple past. Be careful with spellings.

  • 1) They all (go) went shopping.
  • 2) I never (imagine) ____ I would see you here.
  • 3) We (book) bought  two tickets for the show.
  • 4) He (collect) ___ his children from school.
  • 5) Were you (frighten) ___ of the dark when you were young?
  • 6) Who (eat) ate my chocolate?
  • 7) I (feel) felt so tired that I went straight to bed.
  • 8) We (grow) grew this tree from a seed.
  • 9) She (lose) lost her way home.
  • 10) He thought I (steal) his umbrella.


Form the questions.
Example: She opened the window. – Did she open the window?
1. He brought his friend. ? Did He brought his friend?
2. She was sick. ? Did was sick
3. He ate his toast. ? Did he eat his toast ?
4. They lived in Boston. ? Did they live in Boston?
5. We were on the beach. ? Did we sere on the beach?
6. Peter stayed out late. ? Did peter stayed out late?
7. Susan bought a new car. ? Did Susan bought a new car?
8. The ring was expensive. ? Did the ring was expensive?
9. We got up early. ? Did we git up early?
10. He ate spaghetti. ? Did he ate spaghetti?
11. I met Helen. ? Did I met Helen?
12. He slept well last night. ? Did he slept well last night?
13. They drove to Denver. ? Did they drove to Denver?
14. They spoke to Alice. ? Did they spoke to Alice?
15. She was at home. ? Did was at home ?

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Մխիթար Սեբաստացի կրթահամալիր, Ավագ-դպրոց, 12-1 դասարան

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